Audio PlayerThis was from my 1st Classical CD, Changing Colors, from about 1991– put out by Summit Records–who pretty much stopped promoting the CD because of a royalties dispute–they wanted to cheat me. But it still is available from them but also from me. Natalie is getting it up on Bandcamp soon too. I feel the need to let the world know more about my early CDs. She is helping me a lot!
Courante was one of the 1st pieces I ever composed. After that I promised myself to compose at least one piece on each of my CDs. To date I have done that whether jazz or classical. My next and (likely last) CD will be recorded in January. It will be a Country Music CD. So I am writing a country tune now–it’s a challenge.
The players on the Courante recording were:
Doug Masek, Alto Sax
Bill Booth, Trombone
Jim Self, Tuba
This publication comes with only parts and no score.
Jim Self is a Los Angeles free-lance musician, a veteran of thousands of motion pictures, television shows and records, and tuba soloist on many prominent movies. He is Principal Tubist with the Pasadena and Pacific Symphonies, the Hollywood Bowl Orchestra and the Los Angeles Opera and Opera Pacific orchestras. His compositions and arrangements include works for solo tuba, brass quintet, and other brass and woodwind chamber music.
More about Jim and his recordings can be found here:
Basset Hound Music –