Wind Sketches for Tuba-Euphonium Quartet

Brian Balmages


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SKU: PZA90014 Category:


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Whirlwind, which was premiered at the Falcone International Tuba and Euphonium Festival in Twin Lake, Michigan in August of that year. Wind Sketches is actually an expansion on Whirlwind – this fast and aggressive work has become the first of four movements. The contrasting second movement, entitled Freemantle Doctor, is the colloquial name of strong oceanic winds that blow across the Northwestern coast of Australia. White Squall is a quick and boisterous scherzo bringing to mind the violent storms that arise at sea and vanish just as quickly as they come. The last movement, Vientos e fugas, with its Latin jazz influences applied to a reoccurring fugue pattern, provides a raucous, driving finale to end the piece.

Wind Sketches was the recipient of the 2010 Harvey Phillips Award for Excellence in Composition.

solo parts included: BC only, optional percussion

Additional information

Weight 16 oz

Included Parts


Ensemble Type
