Piano version $60.00

Jim Self


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The Concerto for Tuba will come in two versions:

Tuba and Band
Tuba and Piano

The consortium total is $20,000.00

A. Two lead commissioners:

Duquesne University and James Gourlay

Each have come forward with $2500.00 and they will premiere the new work in the fall of 2026.

B. There are 10 open slots for $1000.00 each for the Tuba and Band version. Consortium members will receive copies the first week of January 2027 and will have the exclusive right to perfrom until September 30, 2027.

Scores will be provided as an autographed hard copy and as a PDF. Parts will be sent as PDFs.

C. There are 50 consortium slots at $100.00 each for the Tuba and Piano version. In an effort to reduce the cost and get more involved, Potenza Music/Cimarron Music Press will be contributing $2000.00 to bring the actual cost to $60.00 for the Tuba and Piano version.

Consortium members will receive copies the first week of January 2027 and will have the exclusive right to perfrom until September 30, 2027. The Piano and Tuba parts will be sent as PDFs.

For all versions above, each member of the consortium will have their name listed in the future publication. If a member chooses, an education institution or other can also be added.

Potenza Music will publish and make available to the general public on October 1, 2027.

To learn more about Jim and his compositions, please go here:


Jim Self is a Los Angeles free-lance musician, a veteran of thousands of motion pictures, television shows and records, and tuba soloist on many prominent movies. He is Principal Tubist with the Pasadena and Pacific Symphonies, the Hollywood Bowl Orchestra and the Los Angeles Opera and Opera Pacific orchestras. His compositions and arrangements include works for solo tuba, brass quintet, and other brass and woodwind chamber music.

More about Jim and his recordings can be found here:

Basset Hound Music – http://www.bassethoundmusic.com 

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